Sunday, May 31, 2015

Just Put Your Toe in the Water....

I hear people say all the time "I should be doing more"....."I really wish I could get involved in something but I'm so busy...."I can't go on one of those big mission trips; they're too far away, too expensive, the work's too hard...." or whatever.

I know - I have felt the same way many times.  I'll admit I have not always been able to actually do the things I suggest in this blog.  And depending on your situation, you may have a legitimate excuse.  Your health could get in the way of taking a mission trip or doing physical work on a Habitat for Humanity project, for example.  

When Jesus calls us to serve, he doesn't necessarily mean it needs to be hard.  Listen to what he's telling you.  Sometimes he says "Just get started on something!"  Sometimes doing good can come from just paying attention.

Statue adjacent to the Oklahoma City National Memorial

So here are some ideas of ways to might be surprised how easy it can be.  And how good it can feel.  Open your eyes to opportunities, and your mind and heart to being blessed.

1.  Love Thy Neighbor - Look around your neighborhood.  Is someone having mobility problems and on your way to work you see them struggling to get to the walk to pick up their paper?  Are they unable to drive?  They may have trouble getting their groceries.  A simple offer to put the paper on the porch for them in the mornings or pick up a few things for them when you do your shopping could make a huge difference.  And you might make a new friend.

2.  Share a Cup of Coffee - Sharing Christian love can be as easy as buying someone a cup of coffee. Or their lunch.  Next time you're in line at the coffee shop or McDonald's, look at the people around you.  Is that young mom with kids in tow digging through her purse for loose change to pay for her food?  Is the person in the rearview mirror driving a clunker?  Tell the person at the window you want to pay for their order too.  Don't be judgmental about them being at Starbuck's.  The simple act of reaching out and offering to help is what's most important; the cup of coffee is just the vehicle.  You may be the only nice thing that happens to that person all day.

3.  Cleanliness is Next to Godliness - Do you travel for work and spend the night in hotels?  Collect the miniature shampoo, conditioner and lotions that are in your rooms.  These can be donated to many different organizations that serve those in need, such as homeless organizations and women's shelters.  Take some zip lock bags with you on your trip to protect your things in case of spillage. When you get a gallon bag full, drop them off.  Your opinion on public assistance such as "food stamps" aside, in most states these programs do not pay for toiletries, not even toilet paper.  So people quite often go without these necessities, or buy the absolute cheapest things they can find.

4.  And Taking This a Step Further - Does your church or community organization that serves low-income families provide toiletries?   Have a toiletry collection.  Whether you do it once or once a month, a project like this is such a blessing.  Contact an organization that provides a food pantry or food vouchers for the local food bank, for example.  Get a list of what they feel is most needed - don't presume you know.  Distribute the list at church  (you can do this church wide or in your small group) or at your office and ask people to bring items throughout the month.  For example we had a "T.P. Sunday" at our church, where members brought sealed packages of toilet paper all month - it's the most expensive thing people have to buy.  One small package of toilet paper, or bottle of shampoo, is a relatively inexpensive way for people to get involved.  But at the end of the month you will be surprised what a great collection of goodies you'll have.

I have more ideas.....just wait!

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