Sunday, November 22, 2015

Great is Thy Faithfulness

Botanical Gardens; Fort Worth, Texas

This is the time of year that we're all reminded to be more observant of how much we have....or don't have....and how much others need. We are encouraged to be generous, to share, and to open our hearts and minds to the needs of those living without.

One of my favorite hymns is Great is Thy Faithfulness. It just pops in my head randomly.  But of course it isn't random; it's a reminder.  A reminder that He is always faithful to us and one way He shows it is by the blessings He provides that are all around us, every day, 24/7.  (for example, see the photo above)

It's a much longer song than this, but in the United Methodist Church we often sing only the refrain:

Great is thy faithfulness
Great is thy Faithfulness!
Morning by morning, new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided....
Great is Thy faithfulness,  Lord unto me!
The phrase "Great is Thy faithfulness" comes from the Old Testament Book of Lamentations 3:23.
It was first a poem, then was set to music and published in 1923.

Thanksgiving and Christmas provide more opportunities to share your time and treasure than the entire year combined.  We all have something to give that will bless those that have less than you.  

And no matter how little you have, there is always someone in worse shape.  Always.

1 comment:

  1. We have so much in our country that I often forget how truly blessed we are. More than money or things that money can buy. While I am more aware of terrorist acts and that they have occurred in our country, I still am not afraid on a daily basis. Clean water is delivered to several rooms in my house. So much that I take for granted. Great is Thy faithfulness unto me.

    Looking at your sidebar, you should feel very good that you have continued to write and to share your information regularly every month.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love of family and friends.

