Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Who Are You Carrying?

Sunset over West Texas

Yes this is a real, untouched photo of a sunset over 
roof  tops in West Texas.  I know because I took it, along with most of the
 pictures I've posted.  None have been touched up. 
Not perfect from a human perspective.  But what an artist the Lord is!

Over time you will see several suggestions of ways to get involved with veteran's and military-related issues.  As the wife of a veteran it's a subject near and dear to my heart.  But I know not all of you are interested so the information will be dispersed throughout several posts.

Who Are You Carrying?
That's the tagline for "Carry The Load", based in Plano, Texas. According to the web site  "Carry The Load provides active ways to honor the countless military, law enforcement, firefighters and rescue personnel who dedicate their lives to keeping our country safe."  Founded by two former Navy Seals in 2011 the goal is to restore the true meaning of Memorial Day which honors those who have died in uniform.

Personal commentary:  Memorial Day was not designated to celebrate a three-day weekend so that people can barbecue and go to the lake.  And no, it is not, as the media says, an excuse to "celebrate the unofficial first day of summer".  It's about those that paid the ultimate price for their service to America.

Carry The Load's main activities are organized walks on Memorial Day in communities across Texas but these activities are spreading to other cities in the United States.  These walks and runs provide opportunities for people to show honor and appreciation for those that were lost in service to our nation through military service. Carry The Load also honors first responders such as police and firefighters.  

Youth groups and corporations such as Xerox are involved, and a national relay is being expanded in 2016 that will culminate in Dallas.

In 2015 "Carry The Load" made gifts over $1.1 million to seventeen nonprofits that provide direct services to the military, law enforcement, firefighters and rescue personnel.  This is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.

Organizing a "Carry The Load" event in your community would be fun and memorable way to celebrate Memorial Day.  Or if you just can't tear yourself away from barbecuing at the lake, send them a donation.

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